Saturday, December 29, 2012
Just over two weeks left. Oh my God. I don't know why I signed up for this.
I tried to do 20 miles, but ended up only getting 17 done before my calf started acting up. I wasn't properly highdrated and didn't eat much day of so that could be why, but, still... I'm really nervous.
At this point the only thing I can do is go out there and do it. I will finish it. I just have to keep telling myself that.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
So, what to say? I missed a run last week, but only one. So that's good. I did my 14 miles. So that's really good.
But I have 18 to do this week. And 20 next week when Hobbit opens.
I'm also going to start planning my year in races tomorrow.
That's all, I guess.
I need to get better at this whole blogging thing....
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Did it!
Did my four miles today! Of course, this was after seeing my trainer, so my muscles were a bit tired.
I'm still worried about the marathon and getting my training in. Tomorrow I may not be able to run now. Thursday may be a little rough. I do get Friday off for my long run, though. And next Tuesday and Wednesday. Then all hell breaks loose and I don't know how my running will do.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
So sorry about not posting! Work has been a hastle. I have been stressing out so much. It sucks.
My running... hasn't been great. I got my long runs in for two weeks, then missed all running next week.
I've got two four mile runs done so far, and tomorrow I'll do 12 miles. Work and not feeling well really cuts into my running time.
Not much of an update.... I'm sorry! I'll write more when I don't want to pass out.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
15 mile day!
Well, I did it! On an elliptical, but I did it. Had the gym been open longer I would have used the treadmill. 114:30 total.
I also signed up for a team fitness competition at the gym. So that has been motivating me a little more.
Twilight has been taking up so much of my time because work has been PACKED. That cuts into my gym time, which sucks. I won't have decent time until the marathon, and then I need to find a new job. With normal hours.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
One day down this week.
I only got one run in last week. That just sucked. But I'm planning on getting them all in this week, one way or another. 3 miles done so far. 26 miles total to go.
That's really all I have to say. I kept an under 14 minute mile pace, so that's great for me. I have tomorrow off, and I'm working opens so I'm not at work ALL. DAY. And don't feel like I waste a day. So I should be good this week.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... This weekend will suck. Bond midnight tonight, working by myself tomorrow all day, staff meeting, wedding. When am I supposed to be running?
I did do my ten miles this week. Granted, some was on an elliptical, but I did do ten miles total. I'll start working on all treadmill running when I get more time.
I also need to work on my diet so I can work on losing weight again. That'll help my time since my legs will have less dead weight to carry.
And I need to e-mail my trainer to reschedule from Sandy. That'll have to be sometime next week, though.
Well, that's all for now. Wish me luck!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Don't have much to say except that the first half of November will suck. Running will be difficult. I'm going to do three miles later tonight. And then... I'm going to have to force the running in somehow.
So...that's why I may not update much for the next few weeks.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Oh Sandy
In case I haven't said this before, I live in Virginia. Which is currently being hit by a hurricane. So... this is impacting my training.
I only missed one day last week, so that's an improvement. I'll use my treadmill this week, since the gym closed at 2 today and I don't know when it will open up again.
Well, that's all. I'm setting up a couch to sit out this hurrican on. Candles, books (some racing ones!) and magazines. And candy. I've been eating too much. It's bad :/
But it'll pass. Everyone stay safe!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
day two down this week!
Sadly, two days done in a week is an accomplishment right now. But I've done my two three mile days. Tomorrow I'll do 12, and the day after I'll do 6. I'm thinking that I'll alternate machines every four miles tomorrow since there seems to be an hour limit on the treadmills. It'll also work different muscles. Anyway, that's pretty much it. Oh! I found a nail polish, Essie's "Marathin", which I'll probably wear every day until the race. It's a simple pink color, but I like the name. It's motivational. I'm wearing another polish on my hands (OPI's "Moonraker" LOVE IT!)
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
One day down this week.
Did a 14 minute mile today. Slow, but I felt great after. And the only reason I stopped early was because I had to work out with the boyfriend. Lots of rowing and abs. I'll feel it tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow.... 12 miles. I am not looking forward to this at all. :/
Monday, October 22, 2012
Well, I haven't posted in forever.
And my running hasn't been great, either.
I'm going to run all week this week, though. I will do this. I will lose the weight and finish my marathon. I can do it!
Monday, October 8, 2012
I missed two days. There's just not enough hours in the week...
So I'm going to add a day to my training this week. Which will be interesting since I'll be out of town one day this week... so... we'll see how this goes. I am planning on seeing my trainer this week, though. So that's good.
Not much else to update, really.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Doin better!
I only missed one day last week! So, I'm doing better! I'm also getting back in touch with my trainer. I've put a few pounds on and I need to loose it again.
So far I've done two days. A 3 mile day and a 4 mile day. I'll do three before work tomorrow, cross train Saturday if I have time, and do 9 miles Sunday- my off day.
That's it, really. Almost under 100 days til the race and I'm kind of nervous.... My weight hasn't gone down at all and I feel like I'm doing no milage.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Two days down...
Three miles. 43:57. Not great.... About a 14:40 min mile pace. But My first mile was almost 16 minutes, so I really picked up the pace.
I'm changing up my running habits. Instead of walk 5 minutes, run 2 minutes and cut down as the run progresses, I'm walking a few laps, running/jogging a lap, and repeating. I want to increase the distance I can jog without needing to walk.
I've got two runs down this week. Hopefully I can keep it up.... Although I am kind of getting shafted, schedule-wise, at work.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Today I start again
Still not doing too great. I got three miles in today. Just...injury plus working all the time plus illness makes running difficult. My pace is much slower, over a 15:00 mile. 3 miles in 46:49, so 15:36... Still on pace to finish, but not giving me enough cushion.
So I need to start again. Keep the pace up. Get my milage done. And I will do it. Because I will finish my marathon.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Doing okay
I've been slow, but finishing all my miles. Until today. I've got one mile in so far... I don't like splitting up miles, but I just don't have time for all three before my ten hour work day today. I'll either finish it up tonight or do it tomorrow before work and, therefore, before my six mile run. It just difficult with work, and I'm not up to speed because of my tailbone injury and not working out as much as I should. I did go out shopping for healthier foods so I can pack meals, so that's good. Well, that's all I have time for now... I'll update again soon!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Second bad week..
Well, last week was bad, too. Work is just making things so difficult. I'm working six days a week right now due to staffing problems. One manager just can't work, one is having surgery, and we haven't finished hiring another, so it's just me and my boss next week.
So, last week I only got six miles in. That's bad. Very bad. But this week I'll do better. I'm still working like mad, and my tailbone is still bruised, but I WILL get it done.
I got my three miles in today, even with my meeting with my trainer in the morning. Unfortunately, it was rather slow- over a 15:00 min mile. But once I get back in the swing of things I'll pick up speed again, I just know it.
I'm planning out my diet today and going shopping tomorrow, so that should be helpful with energy and weight loss, as well.
Alrighty, that's it, really. I'll hopefully be posting more as I get back into training!
So, last week I only got six miles in. That's bad. Very bad. But this week I'll do better. I'm still working like mad, and my tailbone is still bruised, but I WILL get it done.
I got my three miles in today, even with my meeting with my trainer in the morning. Unfortunately, it was rather slow- over a 15:00 min mile. But once I get back in the swing of things I'll pick up speed again, I just know it.
I'm planning out my diet today and going shopping tomorrow, so that should be helpful with energy and weight loss, as well.
Alrighty, that's it, really. I'll hopefully be posting more as I get back into training!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Not a good week...
I missed most days. I just felt awful all week and worked almost 10 hours overtime. I did do my long run, but I could tell that I hadn't done all my runs this week. I still managed 13:30 minute miles on my long run.
I also fell down the stairs and bruised my tail bone. Thank goodness that's all I hurt.
Well, next week is another week. Hopefully it'll go much better!!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Another week gone
and I did all my running! And my "long run" this week-three miles- I did at a 13:20 minute mile pace which, for me, is amazing. I'm hoping I can complete my marathon at a 14:00 minute mile pace. I just need to keep it at an under 16:00 minute mile pace to keep from being swept.
I've been feeling pretty good about running. My legs aren't too terribly sore after a run. Today I was on my feet all day at work, so that hurt a little. But besides that I'm good.
I'm still reading "Marathon"... I need to work on my diet a bit, but that's next week's goal. I'm working six days this week, so I don't have the time to run to the store.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Sorry for the lack of updates!
I've been doing my training, honest! AND I've been keeping a decent pace and feeling great!
My weight hasn't been going down at all, so I need to work on my diet. More fruits and veggies and baked chicken. Less fast food, still. I'm working on it, honest! I've been packing my food more and more for work. I'm just working a lot of hours.
My trainer has been awesome. Last week hurt a bit, but after today's session I feel great. I even did my 2 miles at 13:37 min mile without feeling sore.
Anyway, the medal has been released. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I've been reading Hal Higdon's book "Marathon" and it's making me feel a bit better, although I'm still nervous about the race.
Well, that's all for now. I'll start posting more, I promise!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Won't lie, having the Olympics on as I run is very motivating. Even if it's rowing on while I'm running.
I don't really have much else to say, really. I'm glad we (the US) seem to be doing well. I'm interested in watching the marathon, obviously, as someone who is getting into running. And Gabby Douglas is adorable.
That's it, really.
Talk to you later!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Creeper at the gym
Anyone ever get creeped out by someone at the gym? I did my first mile (at 13:47 min mile pace) and I had to stop a) to use the restroom and b) to get away from the guy who was just staring at me. It was creeping me out.
My second two miles I did at a 13:30 min mile pace. So that's good. Hopefully I'll get faster with more training and with some weight loss. I felt great afterward today, too, even though I pushed myself. I hope I can keep feeling great as I run.
Well, that's all for now. It's a slow, slow week.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
And back to training!
Only a two mile day, but I did get a good little workout.
Not a good day, either. 14:04 min miles. But considering I hurt my large toe and may have contracted bronchitis, it's all good.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Not much else to say, really. I'll talk to you soon!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Bad weekend
Well, a mixture of not feeling well and being scheduled plenty of overtime lead to me not getting all my running in last week. I'm not happy about it, but it's only the beginning of my training and I'll move on. This week will be better!
I'm keeping up with my personal trainer for at least three more months. She's awesome, really. I think she realized how bad I was last time and toned it down a bit for me today.... Although my arms will likely feel it tomorrow.
Work should be getting easier, as well. Once the school year starts and our hours get cut back a bit and a bit more constant I'll start taking up yoga. So yoga, strength training, and my marathon training.
Oh, and the Richmond half in November. Did I mention that? Yeah. I'll be doing that one again. At least I'll know the route this year, even if it is a boring race.
That's all for now! Back to running tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
What did I get myself into?
Goodness... why did I sign up for this? Well, I know why. I'm just second guessing it already. I did two miles today. Two. As compared to.....over 26. Yeah, I'm worried.
But I've got six months, right? Anyone else feel like they can't do this when they sign up?
Monday, July 23, 2012
Off day
No running today! And it was a slow day at work, which is a nice break. Considering Dark Knight Rises is out, I thought we'd be insanely busy.
I was going to get some arm work outs in today, but we had a lot of stock come in today. Last Thursday I saw how much stronger I had gotten dumping a bin full of ice. Unfortunately, 35 lb boxes of popping oil are still a bit too heavy to lift over my head. Maybe with some more training....
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Another end to another week
Well, I got all my miles in this week! Hopefully I'll keep this up- get ready for the race and loose some weight! I managed to do my 3 miles with an average mile of 13:45 which, for me, is pretty awesome. I hope to keep my speed up. With weight loss this should be easier. Not mych else to say. Tomorrow is a rest day. I may still go to the gym and work my arms and core a bit. Ta ta for now!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Ugh, work...
Work unfortunately gets in the way of my life right now. Dark Knight has been making training difficult. Fortunately, it's opened so things will start slowing down for the summer after this week. I can't wait for schools to start back up- I can work out during the day!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
It always gets worse before it gets better...
I woke up today in pain. Well, not PAIN pain, but soreness. Stairs are a problem. Trying to run up and down them for work is a problem. Sitting down and standing up again takes effort.
Ah well, it means I worked my legs. I just wish it'd go away. I wasn't sure I'd be able to get my two miles in today. Luckily, I did. It just wasn't anything special.
Monday, July 16, 2012
So much soreness....
I saw my personal trainer today.
I didn't know I could be so sore so soon. My legs hurt. My glutes hurt. Everything below the waist hurts. And I know it will be worse tomorrow. Ah well. It's no pain, so that's good. It means I had a good workout.
Back to running tomorrow!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
I feel like it's really happening!
So we booked our hotel today. Art of Animation, Lion King suite. Won't lie, I'm excited.
I then ran 4 miles in 55:05. So about 13.76 minute mile. Which, for me, is awesome. I guess knowing it's really happening is making me work harder. Which is great. I'm just worried about being able to finish 26 miles.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
So I'm officially registered for the 2013 Disney Marathon. I won't lie, I'm incredibly nervous. I mean, three miles is a lot for me right now. I know it's far away, but I'm still nervous.
I'm going to the gym regularly and seeing a personal trainer a few times a month. Hopefully I'll start seeing results. The only thing that's happened recently was me almost injuring myself using a treadmill I hadn't used before for .45 miles. I still don't know how I did that.
That's all for now. I got in 9.5 miles last week. I did every mile on my schedule. So hopefully I'll keep it up and all will be good.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Training for my training
Well, it has begun. Kind of. My training plan for my marathon is only 30 weeks, so I've got a few weeks before that begins. Right now I'm getting back to jogging a bit. I did a 13:37 minute mile today. Nothing special, but better than just walking. Hopefully I'll be able to keep that up for 26.2 miles instead of just the one. I'm really working on it, though, so hopefully I'll be in much better shape at the time of the race.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Planning for my next race!
Well, I've got my plan for my next race-my first FULL marathon(!!)- all set up. The schedule doesn't technically start for two weeks, but I've got a little plan set up to get back into running. I'm a bit nervous about trying a full marathon, but a little excited, as well. If anything it's an excuse to go to Florida for a few days. I'll keep you all posted!
Monday, May 14, 2012
And a setback...
So, getting all psyched to start training and I twist my ankle and hurt my foot in NY. Just great. It's nothing serious and I should be fine in a few days, but it's a slight setback and not what I had in mind. Ah, well, I just need to take it a bit easy at first so I don't seriously hurt myself. I'll keep you posted!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Updates already!
So...I've been working on my planning. I can fit the Couch to 5K plan in right before my marathon training so I'm a little bit more ready for that. My next run I'm signing up for isn't until January, so I'm looking for a few more smaller races to sign up for. I may still sign up for the Zombie run, but I'd need to sign up now. I also discovered the Color Run, which looks like a TON of fun. DC's isn't until September, though. Maybe I'll find another smaller race that takes place before that... Any ideas for the DC area?
Monday, April 16, 2012
What's next?
What is next for this up and coming "runner"? Well, my mother, sister and I have talked about it and we're pretty sure we're going to try the January 2013 WDW Marathon! A full 26.2 miles instead of the 13.1 we've done. Thankfully we've got time to prepare. I'll keep you posted on my progress!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The 2012 Princess Half has come and gone....
And even with next-to-no preperation I finished and thought it was MUCH easier than the Richmond half!! My time was a little slower- around 3:19- but I finished and didn't really feel it until mile 12.
I don't really have much to show for it. All of the lines for characters were quite long and I didn't have the speed to stop for pictures then run. But I really want to do this race again. There's always next year for pictures!
There was quite a bit of entertainment. People on stilts, the Black Pearl with Jack Sparrow and Barbossa, a hot air balloon, Cinderella and her prince, Alice and the Mad Hatter, the Fairy Godmother, Belle with the Beast and Gaston, Tiana and Naveen, Miko and Pocahontas, the three fairy godmothers with Aurora and Prince Philip, Cruella with the wicked queens and Cinderella's step-family, a soldier from Toy Story, Minnie, Donald and Goofy in golf gear, and all the princes in one location.
My family talked about doing the Coast to Coast challenge, but the Disneyland half already sold out. Oh well...there's always next year!
Not much else to say.... I've got to sign up for another race. I want to start running more so I can get better times. This half marathon stuff is addicting!
I don't really have much to show for it. All of the lines for characters were quite long and I didn't have the speed to stop for pictures then run. But I really want to do this race again. There's always next year for pictures!
There was quite a bit of entertainment. People on stilts, the Black Pearl with Jack Sparrow and Barbossa, a hot air balloon, Cinderella and her prince, Alice and the Mad Hatter, the Fairy Godmother, Belle with the Beast and Gaston, Tiana and Naveen, Miko and Pocahontas, the three fairy godmothers with Aurora and Prince Philip, Cruella with the wicked queens and Cinderella's step-family, a soldier from Toy Story, Minnie, Donald and Goofy in golf gear, and all the princes in one location.
My family talked about doing the Coast to Coast challenge, but the Disneyland half already sold out. Oh well...there's always next year!
Not much else to say.... I've got to sign up for another race. I want to start running more so I can get better times. This half marathon stuff is addicting!
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